7 LLM Parameters to Enhance Model Performance


Let’s say you’re interacting with an AI that not only answers your questions but understands the nuances of your intent. It crafts tailored, coherent responses that almost feel human. How does this happen? Most people don’t even realize the secret lies in LLM parameters.

If you’ve ever wondered how AI models like ChatGPT generate remarkably lifelike text, you’re in the right place. These models don’t just magically know what to say next. Instead, they rely on key parameters to determine everything from creativity to accuracy to coherence. Whether you’re a curious beginner or a seasoned developer, understanding these parameters can unlock new levels of AI potential for your projects.

This article will discuss the 7 essential generation parameters that shape how large language models (LLMs) like GPT-4o operate. From temperature settings to top-k sampling, these parameters act as the dials you can adjust to control the AI’s output. Mastering them is like gaining the steering wheel to navigate the vast world of AI text generation.


  • Learn how key parameters like temperature, max_tokens, and top-p shape AI-generated text.
  • Discover how adjusting LLM parameters can enhance creativity, accuracy, and coherence in AI outputs.
  • Master the 7 essential LLM parameters to customize text generation for any application.
  • Fine-tune AI responses by controlling output length, diversity, and factual accuracy with these parameters.
  • Avoid repetitive and incoherent AI outputs by tweaking frequency and presence penalties.
  • Unlock the full potential of AI text generation by understanding and optimizing these crucial LLM settings.

What are LLM Generation Parameters?

In the context of Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-o1, generation parameters are settings or configurations that influence how the model generates its responses. These parameters help determine various aspects of the output, such as creativity, coherence, accuracy, and even length.

Think of generation parameters as the “control knobs” of the model. By adjusting them, you can change how the AI behaves when producing text. These parameters guide the model in navigating the vast space of possible word combinations to select the most suitable response based on the user’s input.

Without these parameters, the AI would be less flexible and often unpredictable in its behaviour. By fine-tuning them, users can either make the model more focused and factual or allow it to explore more creative and diverse responses.

Key Aspects Influenced by LLM Generation Parameters:

  1. Creativity vs. Accuracy: Some parameters control how “creative” or “predictable” the model’s responses are. Do you want a safe and factual response or seek something more imaginative?
  2. Response Length: These settings can influence how much or how little the model generates in a single response.
  3. Diversity of Output: The model can either focus on the most likely next words or explore a broader range of possibilities.
  4. Risk of Hallucination: Overly creative settings may lead the model to generate “hallucinations” or plausible-sounding but factually incorrect responses. The parameters help balance that risk.

Each LLM generation parameter plays a unique role in shaping the final output, and by understanding them, you can customize the AI to meet your specific needs or goals better.

Practical Implementation of 7 LLM Parameters

Install Necessary Libraries

Before using the OpenAI API to control parameters like max_tokens, temperature, etc., you need to install the OpenAI Python client library. You can do this using pip:

!pip install openai

Once the library is installed, you can use the following code snippets for each parameter. Make sure to replace your_openai_api_key with your actual OpenAI API key.

Basic Setup for All Code Snippets

This setup will remain constant in all examples. You can reuse this section as your base setup for interacting with OpenAI’s GPT-3 (or GPT-4) API.

import openai
# Set your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'your_openai_api_key'
# Define a simple prompt that we can reuse in examples
prompt = "Explain the concept of artificial intelligence in simple terms"
7 llm generation parameters
7 LLM Generation Parameters

1. Max Tokens

The max_tokens parameter controls the length of the output generated by the model. A “token” can be as short as one character or as long as one word, depending on the complexity of the text.

  • Low Value (e.g., 10): Produces shorter responses.
  • High Value (e.g., 1000): Generates longer, more detailed responses.

Why is it Important?

By setting an appropriate max_tokens value, you can control whether the response is a quick snippet or an in-depth explanation. This is especially important for applications where brevity is key, like text summarization, or where detailed answers are needed, like in knowledge-intensive dialogues.

Note: Max_token value is now deprecated in favor of max_completion_tokens and is not compatible with o1 series models.


Here’s how you can control the length of the generated output by using the max_tokens parameter with the OpenAI model:

import openai
client = openai.OpenAI(api_key='Your_api_key')
response = client.chat.completions.create(
           model="gpt-4 turbo",
               {"role": "user",
                "content": "What is the capital of India? Give 7 places to Visit"}


max_tokens = 10

  • Output: ‘The capital of India is New Delhi. Here are’
  • The response is very brief and incomplete, cut off due to the token limit. It provides basic information but doesn’t elaborate. The sentence begins but doesn’t finish, cutting off just before listing places to visit.

max_tokens = 20

  • Output: ‘The capital of India is New Delhi. Here are seven places to visit in New Delhi:\n1.’
  • With a slightly higher token limit, the response begins to list places but only manages to start the first item before being cut off again. It’s still too short to provide useful detail or even finish a single place description.

max_tokens = 50

  • Output: ‘The capital of India is New Delhi. Here are seven places to visit in New Delhi:\n1. **India Gate**: This iconic monument is a war memorial located along the Rajpath in New Delhi. It is dedicated to the soldiers who died during World’
  • Here, the response is more detailed, offering a complete introduction and the beginning of a description for the first location, India Gate. However, it is cut off mid-sentence, which suggests the 50-token limit isn’t enough for a full list but can give more context and explanation for at least one or two items.

max_tokens = 500

  • Output: (Full detailed response with seven places)
  • With this larger token limit, the response is complete and provides a detailed list of seven places to visit in New Delhi. Each place includes a brief but informative description, offering context about its significance and historical importance. The response is fully articulated and allows for more complex and descriptive text.

2. Temperature

The temperature parameter influences how random or creative the model’s responses are. It’s essentially a measure of how deterministic the responses should be:

  • Low Temperature (e.g., 0.1): The model will produce more focused and predictable responses.
  • High Temperature (e.g., 0.9): The model will produce more creative, varied, or even “wild” responses.

Why is it Important?

This is perfect for controlling the tone. Use low temperatures for tasks like generating technical answers, where precision matters, and higher temperatures for creative writing tasks, such as storytelling or poetry.


The temperature parameter controls the randomness or creativity of the output. Here’s how to use it with the newer model:

import openai
client = openai.OpenAI(api_key=api_key)
response = client.chat.completions.create(
               {"role": "user",
                "content": "What is the capital of India? Give 7 places to Visit"}



The output is strictly factual and formal, providing concise, straightforward information with minimal variation or embellishment. It reads like an encyclopedia entry, prioritizing clarity and precision.

LLM Temperature Output


This output retains factual accuracy but introduces more variability in sentence structure. It adds a bit more description, offering a slightly more engaging and creative tone, yet still grounded in facts. There’s a little more room for slight rewording and additional detail compared to the 0.1 output.

LLM Temperature Output


The most creative version, with descriptive and vivid language. It adds subjective elements and colourful details, making it feel more like a travel narrative or guide, emphasizing atmosphere, cultural significance, and facts.

LLM Temperature Output

3. Top-p (Nucleus Sampling)

The top_p parameter, also known as nucleus sampling, helps control the diversity of responses. It sets a threshold for the cumulative probability distribution of token choices:

  • Low Value (e.g., 0.1): The model will only consider the top 10% of possible responses, limiting variation.
  • High Value (e.g., 0.9): The model considers a wider range of possible responses, increasing variability.

Why is it Important?

This parameter helps balance creativity and precision. When paired with temperature, it can produce diverse and coherent responses. It’s great for applications where you want creative flexibility but still need some level of control.


The top_p parameter, also known as nucleus sampling, controls the diversity of the responses. Here’s how to use it:

import openai
client = openai.OpenAI(api_key=api_key)
response = client.chat.completions.create(
               {"role": "user",
                "content": "What is the capital of India? Give 7 places to Visit"}



LLM top_p Output

Highly deterministic and fact-driven: At this low top_p value, the model selects words from a narrow pool of highly probable options, leading to concise and accurate responses with minimal variability. Each location is described with strict adherence to core facts, leaving little room for creativity or added details.

For instance, the mention of India Gate focuses purely on its role as a war memorial and its historical significance, without additional details like the design or atmosphere. The language remains straightforward and formal, ensuring clarity without distractions. This makes the output ideal for situations requiring precision and a lack of ambiguity.


Balanced between creativity and factual accuracy: With top_p = 0.5, the model opens up slightly to more varied phrasing while still maintaining a strong focus on factual content. This level introduces extra contextual information that provides a richer narrative without drifting too far from the main facts.

For example, in the description of Red Fort, this output includes the detail about the Prime Minister hoisting the flag on Independence Day—a point that gives more cultural significance but isn’t strictly necessary for the location’s historical description. The output is slightly more conversational and engaging, appealing to readers who want both facts and a bit of context.

  • More relaxed but still factual in nature, allowing for slight variability in phrasing but still quite structured.
  • The sentences are less rigid, and there is a wider range of facts included, such as mentioning the hoisting of the national flag at Red Fort on Independence Day and the design of India Gate by Sir Edwin Lutyens.
  • The wording is slightly more fluid compared to top_p = 0.1, though it remains quite factual and concise.
LLM top_p Output

temperature = 0.5

Most diverse and creatively expansive output: At top_p = 1, the model allows for maximum variety, offering a more flexible and expansive description. This version includes richer language and additional, sometimes less expected, content.

For example, the inclusion of Raj Ghat in the list of notable places deviates from the standard historical or architectural landmarks and adds a human touch by highlighting its significance as a memorial to Mahatma Gandhi. Descriptions may also include sensory or emotional language, like how Lotus Temple has a serene environment that attracts visitors. This setting is ideal for producing content that is not only factually correct but also engaging and appealing to a broader audience.

LLM top_p Output

4. Top-k (Token Sampling)

The top_k parameter limits the model to only considering the top k most probable next tokens when predicting (generating) the next word.

  • Low Value (e.g., 50): Limits the model to more predictable and constrained responses.
  • High Value (e.g., 500): Allows the model to consider a larger number of tokens, increasing the variety of responses.

Why is it Important?

While similar to top_p, top_k explicitly limits the number of tokens the model can choose from, making it useful for applications that require tight control over output variability. If you want to generate formal, structured responses, using a lower top_k can help.


The top_k parameter isn’t directly available in the OpenAI API like top_p, but top_p offers a similar way to limit token choices. However, you can still control the randomness of tokens using the top_p parameter as a proxy.

import openai
# Initialize the OpenAI client with your API key
client = openai.OpenAI(api_key=api_key)
max_tokens = 500
temperature = 0.1
top_p = 0.9
response = client.chat.completions.create(
        {"role": "user", "content": "What is the capital of India? Give 7 places to Visit"}
print("Top-k Example Output (Using top_p as proxy):")


Top-k Example Output (Using top_p as proxy):

The capital of India is New Delhi. Here are seven notable places to visit in
New Delhi:

1. **India Gate** - This is a war memorial located astride the Rajpath, on
the eastern edge of the ceremonial axis of New Delhi, India, formerly called
Kingsway. It is a tribute to the soldiers who died during World War I and
the Third Anglo-Afghan War.

2. **Red Fort (Lal Qila)** - A historic fort in the city of Delhi in India,
which served as the main residence of the Mughal Emperors. Every year on
India's Independence Day (August 15), the Prime Minister hoists the national
flag at the main gate of the fort and delivers a nationally broadcast speech
from its ramparts.

3. **Qutub Minar** - A UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the Mehrauli
area of Delhi, Qutub Minar is a 73-meter-tall tapering tower of five
storeys, with a 14.3 meters base diameter, reducing to 2.7 meters at the top
of the peak. It was constructed in 1193 by Qutb-ud-din Aibak, founder of the
Delhi Sultanate after the defeat of Delhi's last Hindu kingdom.

4. **Lotus Temple** - Notable for its flowerlike shape, it has become a
prominent attraction in the city. Open to all, regardless of religion or any
other qualification, the Lotus Temple is an excellent place for meditation
and obtaining peace.

5. **Humayun's Tomb** - Another UNESCO World Heritage Site, this is the tomb
of the Mughal Emperor Humayun. It was commissioned by Humayun's first wife
and chief consort, Empress Bega Begum, in 1569-70, and designed by Mirak
Mirza Ghiyas and his son, Sayyid Muhammad.

6. **Akshardham Temple** - A Hindu temple, and a spiritual-cultural campus in
Delhi, India. Also referred to as Akshardham Mandir, it displays millennia
of traditional Hindu and Indian culture, spirituality, and architecture.

7. **Rashtrapati Bhavan** - The official residence of the President of India.
Located at the Western end of Rajpath in New Delhi, the Rashtrapati Bhavan
is a vast mansion and its architecture is breathtaking. It incorporates
various styles, including Mughal and European, and is a

5. Frequency Penalty

The frequency_penalty parameter discourages the model from repeating previously used words. It reduces the probability of tokens that have already appeared in the output.

  • Low Value (e.g., 0.0): The model won’t penalize for repetition.
  • High Value (e.g., 2.0): The model will heavily penalize repeated words, encouraging the generation of new content.

Why is it Importnt?

This is useful when you want the model to avoid repetitive outputs, like in creative writing, where redundancy might diminish quality. On the flip side, you might want lower penalties in technical writing, where repeated terminology could be beneficial for clarity.


The frequency_penalty parameter helps control repetitive word usage in the generated output. Here’s how to use it with GPT-4-turbo:

import openai
# Initialize the OpenAI client with your API key
client = openai.OpenAI(api_key='Your_api_key')
max_tokens = 500
temperature = 0.1
response = client.chat.completions.create(
        {"role": "user", "content": "What is the capital of India? Give 7 places to Visit"}



Balanced output with some repetition, maintaining natural flow. Ideal for contexts like creative writing where some repetition is acceptable. The descriptions are clear and cohesive, allowing for easy readability without excessive redundancy. Useful when both clarity and flow are required.

LLM frequency penalty Output


More varied phrasing with reduced repetition. Suitable for contexts where linguistic diversity enhances readability, such as reports or articles. The text maintains clarity while introducing more dynamic sentence structures. Helpful in technical writing to avoid excessive repetition without losing coherence.

LLM frequency penalty Output


Maximizes diversity but may sacrifice fluency and cohesion. The output becomes less uniform, introducing more variety but sometimes losing smoothness. Suitable for creative tasks that benefit from high variation, though it may reduce clarity in more formal or technical contexts due to inconsistency.

LLM frequency penalty Output

6. Presence Penalty

The presence_penalty parameter is similar to the frequency penalty, but instead of penalizing based on how often a word is used, it penalizes based on whether a word has appeared at all in the response so far.

  • Low Value (e.g., 0.0): The model won’t penalize for reusing words.
  • High Value (e.g., 2.0): The model will avoid using any word that has already appeared.

Why is it Important?

Presence penalties help encourage more diverse content generation. It’s especially useful when you want the model to continually introduce new ideas, as in brainstorming sessions.


The presence_penalty discourages the model from repeating ideas or words it has already introduced. Here’s how to apply it:

import openai
# Initialize the OpenAI client with your API key
client = openai.OpenAI(api_key='Your_api_key')
# Define parameters for the chat request
response = client.chat.completions.create(
            "role": "user",
            "content": "What is the capital of India? Give 7 places to visit."
    max_tokens=500,   # Max tokens for the response
    temperature=0.1,  # Controls randomness
    top_p=0.1,        # Controls diversity of responses
    presence_penalty=0.5,  # Encourages the introduction of new ideas
    n=1,              # Generate only 1 completion
    stop=None         # Stop sequence, none in this case



The output is informative but somewhat repetitive, as it provides well-known facts about each site, emphasizing details that may already be familiar to the reader. For instance, the descriptions of India Gate and Qutub Minar don’t diverge much from common knowledge, sticking closely to conventional summaries. This demonstrates how a lower presence penalty encourages the model to remain within familiar and already established content patterns.

LLM presence penalty Output


The output is more varied in how it presents details, with the model introducing more nuanced information and restating facts in a less formulaic way. For example, the description of Akshardham Temple adds an additional sentence about millennia of Hindu culture, signaling that the higher presence penalty pushes the model toward introducing slightly different phrasing and details to avoid redundancy, fostering diversity in content.

LLM presence penalty Output

7. Stop Sequence

The stop parameter lets you define a sequence of characters or words that will signal the model to stop generating further content. This allows you to cleanly end the generation at a specific point.

  • Example Stop Sequences: Could be periods (.), newlines (\n), or specific phrases like “The end”.

Why is it Important?

This parameter is especially handy when working on applications where you want the model to stop once it has reached a logical conclusion or after providing a certain number of ideas, such as in Q&A or dialogue-based models.


The stop parameter allows you to define a stopping point for the model when generating text. For example, you can stop it after generating a list of items.

import openai
# Initialize the OpenAI client with your API key
client = openai.OpenAI(api_key='Your_api_key')
max_tokens = 500
temperature = 0.1
top_p = 0.1
response = client.chat.completions.create(
        {"role": "user", "content": "What is the capital of India? Give 7 places to Visit"}
    stop=[".", "End of list"]  # Define stop sequences


The capital of India is New Delhi

How do These LLM Parameters Work Together?

Now, the real magic happens when you start combining these parameters. For example:

  • Use temperature and top_p together to fine-tune creative tasks.
  • Pair max_tokens with stop to limit long-form responses effectively.
  • Leverage frequency_penalty and presence_penalty to avoid repetitive text, which is particularly useful for tasks like poetry generation or brainstorming sessions.


Understanding these LLM parameters can significantly improve how you interact with language models. Whether you’re developing an AI-based assistant, generating creative content, or performing technical tasks, knowing how to tweak these parameters helps you get the best output for your specific needs.

By adjusting LLM parameters like temperature, max_tokens, and top_p, you gain control over the model’s creativity, coherence, and length. On the other hand, penalties like frequency and presence ensure that outputs remain fresh and avoid repetitive patterns. Finally, the stop sequence ensures clean and well-defined completions.

Experimenting with these settings is key, as the optimal configuration depends on your application. Start by tweaking one parameter at a time and observe how the outputs shift—this will help you dial in the perfect setup for your use case!

Are you looking for a Generative AI course online? If yes, explore this: GenAI Pinnacle Program.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are LLM generation parameters?

Ans. LLM generation parameters control how AI models like GPT-4 generate text, affecting creativity, accuracy, and length.

Q2. What is the role of the temperature parameter?

Ans. The temperature controls how creative or focused the model’s output is. Lower values make it more precise, while higher values increase creativity.

Q3. How does max_tokens affect the output?

Ans. Max_tokens limits the length of the generated response, with higher values producing longer and more detailed outputs.

Q4. What is top-p sampling?

Ans. Top-p (nucleus sampling) controls the diversity of responses by setting a threshold for the cumulative probability of token choices, balancing precision and creativity.

Q5. Why are frequency and presence penalties important?

Ans. These penalties reduce repetition and encourage the model to generate more diverse content, improving overall output quality.

Hi, I am Pankaj Singh Negi – Senior Content Editor | Passionate about storytelling and crafting compelling narratives that transform ideas into impactful content. I love reading about technology revolutionizing our lifestyle.

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