The Python random module is a built-in module that provides functionalities related to random number generation. It is often used in scenarios where unpredictability or randomness is required, such as in simulations, games, cryptography, and data shuffling. The module uses a pseudo-random number generator algorithm to produce seemingly random numbers.
List of all the Functions Python Random Module
Here’s a list of some key functions provided by the Python random module:
Returns a random float in the range [0.0, 1.0).

import random
random_number = random.random()
# Output: 0.7164296823654763 (Note: This value will vary on each run)
Initializes the random number generator with the given seed. If no seed is provided, the system time is used.
import random
# No output, but it initializes the random number generator with seed 42
randrange(start, stop, step=1)
Returns a randomly selected element from the range(start, stop, step).
import random
random_range = random.randrange(1, 10, 2)
# Output: Random number within the range [1, 10) with step 2
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Generates a random integer in the inclusive range [a, b].

import random
random_integer = random.randint(1, 10)
# Output: Random integer within the inclusive range [1, 10]
Returns a randomly selected element from the given sequence (list, tuple, or string).
import random
my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
random_item = random.choice(my_list)
# Output: Random item from the list my_list
choices(population, weights=None, k=1)
Returns a list with k randomly selected elements from the population. The optional weights parameter allows you to assign probabilities to different elements.
import random
my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
random_items = random.choices(my_list, k=3)
# Output: List of 3 randomly selected items from my_list with replacement
Shuffles the elements of a sequence in place.
import random
my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
# Output: [3, 1, 4, 5, 2] (Note: This order will vary on each run)
sample(population, k)
Returns a k-length list of unique elements chosen randomly from the population.
import random
my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
random_sample = random.sample(my_list, k=2)
# Output: List of 2 unique items randomly chosen from my_list
uniform(a, b)
Returns a random float in the range [a, b).
import random
random_uniform = random.uniform(0.0, 1.0)
# Output: Random floating-point number between 0.0 and 1.0 (both inclusive)
Returns an object encapsulating the current internal state of the random number generator.
import random
state = random.getstate()
# Output: Tuple representing the internal state of the random number generator
Returns an integer with k random bits.
import random
random_bits = random.getrandbits(5)
# Output: Random integer with 5 bits
Restores the state of the random number generator to a specified state, allowing for reproducibility.
import random
# No output, but it sets the state of the random number generator back to the specified state
betavariate(alpha, beta)
Returns a random floating-point number with a beta distribution.
import random
random_beta = random.betavariate(2, 5)
# Output: Random floating-point number with beta distribution (alpha=2, beta=5)
Returns a random floating-point number with an exponential distribution.
import random
random_exponential = random.expovariate(2)
# Output: Random floating-point number with exponential distribution (lambda=2)
gammavariate(alpha, beta)
Returns a random floating-point number with a gamma distribution.
import random
random_gamma = random.gammavariate(1, 2)
# Output: Random floating-point number with gamma distribution (alpha=1, beta=2)
triangular(low, high, mode)
Returns a random floating-point number within the specified range with a bias towards the mode.
import random
random_triangular = random.triangular(1, 5, 3)
# Output: Random floating-point number within the specified range with a bias towards 3
gauss(mu, sigma)
Returns a random floating-point number with a Gaussian distribution.
import random
random_gaussian = random.gauss(0, 1)
# Output: Random floating-point number with Gaussian distribution (mean=0, standard deviation=1)
normalvariate(mu, sigma)
Returns a random floating-point number with a normal distribution.
import random
random_normal = random.normalvariate(0, 1)
# Output: Random floating-point number with normal distribution (mu=0, sigma=1)
lognormvariate(mu, sigma)
Returns a random floating-point number with a log-normal distribution.
import random
random_lognormal = random.lognormvariate(0, 1)
# Output: Random floating-point number with log-normal distribution (mu=0, sigma=1)
vonmisesvariate(mu, kappa)
Returns a random floating-point number with a von Mises distribution or circular normal distribution.
import random
random_vonmises = random.vonmisesvariate(0, 4)
# Output: Random floating-point number with von Mises distribution (mu=0, kappa=4)
Returns a random floating-point number with a Pareto distribution.
import random
random_pareto = random.paretovariate(2)
# Output: Random floating-point number with Pareto distribution (alpha=2)
weibullvariate(alpha, beta)
Returns a random floating-point number with a Weibull distribution.
import random
random_weibull = random.weibullvariate(1, 2)
# Output: Random floating-point number with Weibull distribution (alpha=1, beta=2)
These functions provide a set of tools for generating random numbers and working with random elements in various scenarios.
In conclusion, the Python random
module isn’t just a collection of functions; it’s a gateway to creativity and dynamism in programming. Whether you are crafting games, enhancing user experiences, or exploring probabilistic scenarios, the random
module invites you to embrace the beauty of unpredictability. Through its functions, developers can navigate the delicate balance between order and randomness, creating applications that captivate and surprise users. So, as you embark on your Python programming journey, remember to harness the power of the random
module and infuse your code with the spark of randomness.
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Frequently Asked Questions
A: The random
module in Python serves to introduce randomness into applications. It provides functions for generating random numbers, making choices from sequences, shuffling data, and modeling various probability distributions.
module handle reproducibility?
A: Reproducibility is achieved by using the seed()
function, allowing developers to initialize the random number generator with a specific seed value. This ensures consistent results when the seed remains constant.
A: Absolutely. Functions like randrange(start, stop, step)
and randint(a, b)
cater to generating random integers within specified ranges, allowing for flexibility in usage.
A: The shuffle(sequence)
function from the random
module shuffles the elements of a sequence in place. Simply pass your list to this function to randomize its order.