3 Methods to Run Llama 3.2


Meta recently launched Llama 3.2, its latest multimodal model. This version offers improved language understanding, provides more accurate answers and generates high-quality text. It can now analyze and interpret images, making it even more versatile in understanding and responding to various input types! Llama 3.2 is a powerful tool that can help you with so much. With its lightning-fast development, this new LLM promises to unlock unprecedented communication capabilities. In this article, we’ll dive into the exciting world of Llama 3.2, exploring its 3 unique ways to run and the incredible features it brings to the table. From enhancing edge AI and vision tasks to offering lightweight models for on-device use, Llama 3.2 is a powerhouse!

3 Methods to Run Llama 3.2: A Step-by-Step Guide for Implementation

Learning Objective

  • Understand the key advancements and features of Llama 3.2 in the AI landscape.
  • Learn how to access and utilize Llama 3.2 through various platforms and methods.
  • Explore the technical innovations, including vision models and lightweight deployments for edge devices.
  • Gain insights into the practical applications of Llama 3.2, including image processing and AI-enhanced communication.
  • Discover how Llama Stack simplifies the development of applications using Llama models.

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon.

What are Llama 3.2 Models?

Llama 3.2 is Meta’s latest attempt at breaking the bounds of innovation in the ever-changing landscape of artificial intelligence. It is not an incremental version but rather a significant leap forward into groundbreaking capabilities aiming to reshape how we interact with and use AI.

Llama 3.2 isn’t about incrementally improving what exists but expanding the frontiers of possibilities for open-source AI. Vision models, edge computing capabilities, and a scope focused solely on safety will introduce Llama 3.2 into a new era of possible AI applications.

Meta AI mentioned that Llama 3.2 is a collection of large language models (LLMs) that have been pretrained and fine-tuned in 1B and 3B sizes for multilingual text, as well as 11B and 90B sizes for text and image inputs and text output.

Llama 3.2

Also read: Getting Started With Meta Llama 3.2

Key Features and Advancements in Llama 3.2

Llama 3.2 brings a host of groundbreaking updates, transforming the landscape of AI. From powerful vision models to optimized performance on mobile devices, this release pushes the limits of what AI can achieve. Here’s a look at the key features and advancements that set this version apart.

  • Edge and Mobile Deployment: Llama 3.2 features a wide range of lightweight models aimed at deployment on the edge and phones. Models ranging from 1B to 3B parameters offer impressive capabilities while staying efficient, and developers can create privacy-enhancing, personal applications running on the client. This may finally revolutionize access to AI, taking its power from behind our fingers.
  • Safety and Responsibility: Meta remains steadfast in its commitment to responsible AI development. Llama 3.2 incorporates safety enhancements and provides tools to help developers and researchers mitigate potential risks associated with AI deployment. This focus on safety is crucial as AI becomes increasingly integrated into our daily lives.
  • Open-Source Ethos: Llama 3.2’s open nature is an integral part of Meta’s AI strategy, one that should be promoted worldwide. It allows for cooperation, innovation, and democratization in AI, allowing researchers and developers worldwide to contribute to further building Llama 3.2 and thereby hastening the speed of AI advancement.

In-Depth Technical Exploration

Llama 3.2’s architecture introduces cutting-edge innovations, including enhanced vision models and optimized performance for edge computing. This section dives into the technical intricacies that make these advancements possible.

  • Vision Models: Integrating vision capabilities into Llama 3.2 required a novel model architecture. The team employed adapter weights to connect a pre-trained image encoder seamlessly with the pre-trained language model. This enables the model to process both text and image inputs, facilitating a deeper understanding of the interplay between language and visual information.
  • Llama Stack Distributions: Meta has also introduced Llama Stack distributions, providing a standardized interface for customizing and deploying Llama models. This simplifies the development process, enabling developers to build agentic applications and leverage retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) capabilities.
Llama Stack

Performance Highlights and Benchmarks

Llama 3.2 has performed very well across a wide range of benchmarks, showing its capabilities in all sorts of domains. The vision models perform exceptionally well on vision-related tasks such as understanding images and visual reasoning, surpassing closed models such as Claude 3 Haiku on some of the benchmarks. Lighter models perform highly across other areas like instruction following, summarization, and tool use.

Performance Highlights and Benchmarks

Let us now look into the benchmarks below:

Let us now look into the benchmarks below:

Accessing and Utilizing Llama 3.2

Discover how to access and deploy Llama 3.2 models through downloads, partner platforms, or direct integration with Meta’s AI ecosystem.

  • Download: You can download the Llama 3.2 models directly from the official Llama website (llama.com) or from Hugging Face. This allows you to experiment with the models on your own hardware and infrastructure.
  • Partner Platforms: Meta has collaborated with many partner platforms, including major cloud providers and hardware manufacturers, to make Llama 3.2 readily available for development and deployment. These platforms allow you to access and utilize the models, leveraging their infrastructure and tools.
  • Meta AI: The text also mentions that you can try these models using Meta’s smart assistant, Meta AI. This could provide a convenient way to interact with and experience the models’ capabilities without needing to set up your own environment.

Using Llama 3.2 with Ollama

First, we will install Ollama first from here. After installing Ollama, run this on CMD:

ollama run llama3.2


ollama run llama3.2:1b

It will download the 3B and 1B Models in your system

Code for Ollama

Install these dependencies:




from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate

from langchain_ollama.llms import OllamaLLM

def main():

    print("LLama 3.2 ChatBot")

    template = """Question: {question}

    Answer: Let's think step by step."""

    prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(template)

    model = OllamaLLM(model="llama3.2")

    chain = prompt | model

    while True:

        question = input("Enter your question here (or type 'exit' to quit): ")

        if question.lower() == 'exit':



        answer = chain.invoke({"question": question})

        print(f"Answer: {answer}")

if __name__ == "__main__":


Deploying Llama 3.2 via Groq Cloud

Learn how to leverage Groq Cloud to deploy Llama 3.2, accessing its powerful capabilities easily and efficiently.

Visit Groq and generate an API key.

Groq Cloud

Running Llama 3.2 on Google Colab(llama-3.2-90b-text-preview)

Explore how to run Llama 3.2 on Google Colab, enabling you to experiment with this advanced model in a convenient cloud-based environment.

Google Collab
!pip install groq

from google.colab import userdata


from groq import Groq

client = Groq(api_key=GROQ_API_KEY)

completion = client.chat.completions.create(




            "role": "user",

            "content": " Why MLops is required. Explain me like 10 years old child"









For chunk in completion:
    print(chunk.choices[0].delta.content or "", end="")

Running Llama 3.2 on Google Colab(llama-3.2-11b-vision-preview)

from google.colab import userdata

import base64

from groq import Groq

def image_to_base64(image_path):

    """Converts an image file to base64 encoding."""

    with open(image_path, "rb") as image_file:

        return base64.b64encode(image_file.read()).decode('utf-8')

# Ensure you have set the GROQ_API_KEY in your Colab userdata

client = Groq(api_key=userdata.get('GROQ_API_KEY'))

# Specify the path of your local image

image_path = "/content/2.jpg"

# Load and encode your image

image_base64 = image_to_base64(image_path)

# Make the API request


    completion = client.chat.completions.create(




                "role": "user",

                "content": [


                        "type": "text",

                        "text": "what is this?"



                        "type": "image_url",

                        "image_url": {

                            "url": f"data:image/jpeg;base64,{image_base64}"












    # Process and print the response

    for chunk in completion:

        if chunk.choices and chunk.choices[0].delta and chunk.choices[0].delta.content:

            print(chunk.choices[0].delta.content, end="")

except Exception as e:

    print(f"An error occurred: {e}")

Input Image

input image




Meta’s Llama 3.2 shows the potential of open-source collaboration and the relentless pursuit of AI advancement. Meta pushes the limits of language models and helps shape a future where AI is not only more powerful but also more accessible, responsible, and beneficial to all.

If you are looking for a Generative AI course online, then explore: GenAI Pinnacle Program

Key Takeaways

  • Introducing vision models in Llama 3.2, thus image understanding and reasoning, alongside text processing applications brings some new opportunities, such as image captioning, visual question-answering, and document understanding with charts or graphs.
  • This model’s lightweight models are optimized for edge devices and mobile phones, bringing AI capabilities directly to users while maintaining privacy.
  • The introduction of Llama Stack distributions streamlines the process of building and deploying applications with Llama models, making it easier for developers to leverage their capabilities.

The media shown in this article is not owned by Analytics Vidhya and is used at the Author’s discretion.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are the main differences between Llama 3.2 and previous versions?

A. Llama 3.2 introduces vision models for image understanding, lightweight models for edge devices, and Llama Stack distributions for simplified development.

Q2. How can I access and use Llama 3.2?

A. You can download the models, use them on partner platforms, or try them through Meta AI.

Q3. What are some potential applications of the vision models in Llama 3.2?

A. Image captioning, visual question answering, document understanding with charts and graphs, and more.

Q4. What is Llama Stack, and how does it benefit developers?

A. Llama Stack is a standardized interface that makes it easier to develop and deploy Llama-based applications, particularly agentic apps.

The media shown in this article is not owned by Analytics Vidhya and is used at the Author’s discretion.

Hi I’m Gourav, a Data Science Enthusiast with a medium foundation in statistical analysis, machine learning, and data visualization. My journey into the world of data began with a curiosity to unravel insights from datasets.

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